• 4月

    尝试识别:422.6/459 PC Hate 犯罪/Burglary

    2024年4月14日凌晨5点30分左右,上图中的嫌疑人1号(长袖男), 裤子, 没有兜帽)进入PCC r大楼,走到四楼422室(PCC LGBTQ骄傲中心)外面,从扶手上取下骄傲旗. The flag was dropped to the ground; four floors below, where suspect #2 (male hooded sweatshirt, 裤子) was waiting to receive the flag. 5点39分,两名嫌疑人都离开了PCC校园,向西向希尔大道行驶,嫌疑人1拿着似乎是同性恋骄傲队的旗帜.

  • 3月

    Attempt to Identify: 417(a)(1) PC Brandishing a Weapon

    On 3-25-2024 at approximately 1220 hours the above pictured suspect confronted two male students unprovoked in lot 4, level 5, and 挥舞着一把刀.

  • 8月

    尝试识别:243.5 PC Battery School Grounds

    On 08-23-2023 at approximately 1510 hours, 照片中的嫌疑人在地铁公交站走近受害者,并开始对受害者大喊大叫. The suspect spat in the victim's face and attempted to punch the victim with his right fist; however, he stopped short of making contact with the victim's face. The suspect fled the scene, 步行, southbound into the PCC campus, and then exited PCC property eastbound crossing Bonnie Avenue. 如果上述人员出现在PCC物业,请立即致电626-585-7484与最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏警察局联系. 如果您有任何十大靠谱棋牌游戏嫌疑人或此事件的信息,请联系Det. Robins at 626-585-7629 or tjrobins@clqp888.com

  • 2月

    二月跟进. 4 Building Lockdown Bulletin

    2022年2月4日《十大靠谱棋牌游戏》后续通知 . PCCPD案例#2022-00014. 摘要:上述个人于2月11日对教职员工和学生进行了口头威胁. 4, 2022. Mr. Haddad has been served with a letter of suspension, 并被禁止出现在任何地区拥有的物业,并因违反该命令而被逮捕. 如果你注意到. Haddad on any District owned property, please immediately call Campus 警察 Dispatch at (626) 585-7484.

  • 2月

    安全公告 Regarding Building Lockdown

    On 2-4-2022, at approximately 11:30 a.m.当天,在艺术中心大楼内发生了一起涉及学生和工作人员的事件. 在上课时, 一名学生情绪爆发,并对在场的学生和工作人员进行了口头威胁. Campus 警察 was immediately notified and responded. Upon arrival Campus 警察 were informed the individual had left the classroom. A RAVE Alert was initiated. 作为安全预防措施,艺术中心大楼被封锁,同时进行了广泛的搜查. 大约13时20分., the subject was located off campus by Campus 警察. The lockdown was lifted and there is no ongoing threat to the campus community.

  • 11月

    Timely Warning: Attempted Kidnap

    大约下午3点50分.m.在纽约,一起未遂绑架案发生在R楼三楼的一间教室前. As the victim was about to enter a classroom, 犯罪嫌疑人经过时,抓住受害者的手腕,试图把她从门口拉开. 受害者最终摆脱了嫌疑人,进入了自己的教室. 嫌疑人被教室里的其他学生吓了一跳,逃离了该地区. The suspect is not known to the victim.

  • 五月


    今天下午12:20左右,校园外希尔街和格林街发生了一起口角.m. 据报道,在争吵中,其中一人用刀袭击了另一人. The suspect was allegedly seen entering campus via Tennis Hill. 校园警察通知校园里的工作人员躲在原地,同时警察对校园进行了全面搜查. 大约在下午1点45分.m. today, the suspect was located by Pasadena 警察 Dept. 在梅里迪斯大街. just south of 科罗拉多大街. and was taken into custody. 目前没有嫌疑人,校园也没有额外的安全隐患.

  • 10月

    Follow Up to 安全公告 Posted 10月ober 21, 2019

    10月21日, 2019年最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏校园警察发布了一份安全公告,十大靠谱棋牌游戏校园内可疑遭遇的报告,这些人试图进行基于宗教的对话. The individuals involved were using the term “God the Mother” during the discussions. 学生们报告说,根据从社交媒体上获得的信息,他们担心该组织参与了类似邪教的活动. Since the original posting of the 安全公告, 多亏了一个订婚的人, 提醒校园社区, 我们能够识别并采访个人,了解他们在校园的活动. A representative from the organization was interviewed in person by Campus 警察, 并提供证明他们隶属于“上帝的教会世界宣教协会”. The representative for the organization stated they have been subjected to malicious, unsubstantiated rumors spread by social media. 基于这次采访, as well as additional follow up with other law enforcement agencies, 帕萨迪纳市大学校园警察已经确定没有与该组织有关的犯罪活动得到证实, and no criminal activity related to this group has occurred on our campus. 我们想提醒我们的校园社区,任何组织在校园的存在并不一定构成背书, but merely reflects our support and adherence to everyone’s right to free speech.

  • 10月

    安全公告: Suspicious Activity

    10月16日, 2019, 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏校园警察通过我们的兰瑟匿名举报网页收到了一份可疑活动的匿名报告, 也被称为“L”.A.T.R.“(http://clqp888.com/police-and-college-safety/latr.php) The anonymous report stated that on Wednesday, 10月ober 16th, at approximately 6:15 p.m., 报道小组在校园里被两名自称是PCC学生的女生接近,并开始问一些与宗教有关的问题, and reading aloud passages that spoke of a “Mother of God”. 报道方开始担心,因为她听说有一个团体使用“上帝之母”的名字,据称从事类似邪教的行为. The encounter was reported to have occurred at the “second quad near the food store”. Both females were described as possibly Hispanic. #1, 20岁出头, 5’2, ”矮胖的“构建, 深棕色头发, wearing a black long sleeve shirt, 蓝色牛仔裤, 背着粉色背包. 2 . 50-60岁中期, 5’4, 薄的构建, 棕色的头发, wearing a black and yellow dress with an unknown color blazer. 10月18日, 2019, 第二份匿名举报是通过我们的Lancer匿名举报网页收到的, reporting a similar suspicious encounter by 2 males. 第二次相遇据说发生在四天前,即2019年10月14日晚上9点.m. 报道方称,他们在R大楼附近被两名男性接近,问他们是否听说过“上帝之母”, and attempted to obtain the reporting party’s phone number. Both males were reported to be Latino, in their early 20’s, 5’10, black hair, 140 lbs., both subjects were said to be dressed in formal attire, “church goer clothing”. 报告这两起事件的延迟都很严重(分别延迟1小时和4天)。. 然而, upon receipt of this information, Campus 警察 responded to the area described in the anonymous tips, and were unable to locate any individuals matching the descriptions given. 涉及的个人可能是在校园传教的合法宗教组织. 帕萨迪纳市大学校园警察鼓励任何遇到类似情况的人立即联系校园警察, so that we may make contact with the individuals and alleviate concerns, or take appropriate action as necessary.

  • 10月

    安全公告: Suspicious Behavior

    On 10月ober 9, 2019, at approximately 10:30 a.m., 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏校园警察通过我们的兰瑟匿名举报网页收到了一份可疑活动的匿名报告, 也被称为“LA”.T.R.“(http://clqp888.com/police-and-college-safety/latr.php) The anonymous report stated that on Tuesday, 10月ober 8, at approximately 12:30 p.m., 一名身份不明的女性向两名女学生求助, and encouraging them to come to her residence. The females declined the invitation. The interaction took place off-campus at a fast food restaurant on 科罗拉多大街. across from the PCC Main Campus. 报告方认为,该名妇女请求援助的动机可疑,可能是出于犯罪意图. The subject was described as a female, 白人或亚美尼亚人, 快40岁了, 5', 薄的构建, 金发. 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏校园警察希望提醒学生时刻注意周围环境, 校内和校外. Do not engage in unsolicited contact with persons you do not know. 相信你的直觉, if something does not feel right, 或者你觉得不安全, 报警求助.
