
学术参议院 Professional Development funding requests require the following steps.

请阅读 所有 下面的步骤

  1. 旅行者必须首先提交一份 Request for AS Professional Development 资金:
    Request AS Professional Development 资金
  2. After receiving 教师发展 Committee approval, traveler submits a Chrome 河流预先批准申请: 
    Submit a Chrome River预批准 Request
  3. Full-time and adjunct faculty 成员s may apply for event registration and/or travel from the 学术参议院 教师 Professional Development Fund through Professional 开发配置: d100000 116000 6750 PRDV 作为你的资金来源. (见下文介绍)


  • Request Form questions: Jennifer J., Office of Professional and Organization Development:  jjung6@clqp888.com/ Ext. 7888.
  • Chrome River questions: Mofun M., mmar4@clqp888.com/ Ext. 3381

Guidelines for Requesting 资金 for 教师 Professional Development


  • 教师 成员s (full-time and adjunct) may apply for funding for conferences, workshops, and courses (referred to here as activities) that support one’s professional activities as a PCC faculty 成员 in areas such as pedagogy, subject expertise, and support for District goals/initiatives (e.g., equity and social justice for students). 资金 may not be used to acquire continuing education units for salary advancement, or solely for the purpose of maintaining professional credentials / licensure.
  • As a group, PCC 教师 will have access to $75,000 each year to support professional 开发活动. To ensure equal distribution across the academic year, those funds will be disbursed in three equal inst所有ments. The first inst所有ment of $25,000 will be available for activities occurring from July through October. 第二部分 is for activities occurring from November through February, and the third inst所有ment is for activities occurring from March through June. Funds remaining at the end of the first two inst所有ments will roll over to the next inst所有ment period. 任何剩余的 funds on June 30 will not roll over to the next fiscal year.
  • The maximum amount that a faculty 成员 can receive from this source per year is $1,500. This funding may be 所有ocated across multiple activities. 如果是教员的 activity costs exceed $1,500, they will need to identify the secondary cost center supporting the activity, or indicate that they will pay the outstanding balance out 的口袋里. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. 教师 成员s who have received funding through this process are expected to share their learnings with PCC colleagues through traditional channels such as a workshop or area meeting, or apply their learnings in the classroom or through involvement in District 计划/项目.


  • Requests for funding should be accompanied by event/conference descriptions, agendas, or any other information that helps to convey the purpose and relevance of the event.
  • Chrome River预批准 Requests are to be submitted no less than 10 business days prior to travel. Applications for funding will not be accepted after a conference has taken place. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be returned to the faculty 成员.
  • Requests that exceed $1500 must designate an additional PCC account to cover expenses 超过1500美元. Do not include expenses that you will cover out-of-pocket or from non-District sources in your Chrome River request.


Chrome River 费用报告 (reimbursement requests) are due two weeks after travel 完成.  

  • Make sure to keep 所有 itemized receipts related to travel. 这些将是需要的 you submit your expense report via Chrome River. Food and beverage costs are reimbursed via a per diem that is based on the geographical area of travel.
  • 该地区的 AP 7420 outlines the rules and expectations related to employee travel reimbursement, including what qualifies for reimbursement, how far away an activity must be to qualify for lodging reimbursement, and the rules for determining mileage. 我们鼓励大家 review the AP prior to submitting your request.

All reimbursements must follow the guidelines established by Administrative Procedure 7420 EMPLOYEE AND TRUSTEE TRAVEL.
